Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Updates from Lee (P337) about Timna

I will continue to post updates and writings from Lee on this Blog. Please come back often to stay in the loop. Our prayers are still needed more than ever. I am afraid Lee is very exhausted and devastated, and we need to help him keep his spirits up for both his own and Timna's sake.

Here are recent posts and updates:

Update Monday 11/02/2009 10:30pm Eastern:
Timna was moved out of ICU to a regular room and she is no longer on an insulin drip.
Her kidneys are putting out urine but her creatinine level is still high (4.1). Her BUN/Creatinine ratio is still whacked out (must be a medical term because that's what the doctor said).
Her Mother and Father visited today. Later she did not remember that.
I have had some support from my father and some of Timna's and my friends.
Timna ate a little three times today but had to be spoon fed. Her leg pain is being controlled with morphine.
She still recreates reality regularly in several interesting versions. She finds talking difficult most times but seems able to say, "Lee, stop it. That's not what I meant," with good clarity.
She may be sent to dialysis to get rid of the toxins which are playing havoc with her system but hopes are that she won't have to.
Nothing can be done for her lymphedema right now which is a further complication.
Family, church family, friends, Twitter friends, my father's Facebook friends and unknown folks from many avenues have let me know they are praying...
That means a lot.
Thank you all.
It's hard when every brainstorm results in a power failure.
- Lee Peterman

TWITTER update: 11/3/09 11pm Eastern.
p337 Timna has been moved back to ICU. @WisSmokeFan Too much lung fluid and the TV in her new room didn't work. Please keep praying... yea, pray.

Twitter update: 11/3/09 3 Eastern
p337 To all & @WisSmokeFan She's sedated on respirator. They wouldn't sedate me though. Thanks for all the prayers.

Timna Update Tuesday 11/03/2009 3:ish pm Eastern
I'm sitting in the darkened room with Timna who is sedation resting.
She is on a respirator and just received her 4 hour albuteral inhalation. Some wheezing according to the respiratory specialist but not real tight right now.
I'm just going to try to put some scattered thoughts together and send this out.
Acidotic was a term tossed at me. I'll have to look that up later.
Her breath rate had gone up over 30 and was labored before they got her on the respirator.
They have to do a balancing act with the fluids they are giving her due to an enlarged heart, etc. She's still a little on the dehydrated side.
I had optimistically left her clothing and stuff with her since Saturday. I finally took them to the car. She won't be using anything for a while... I'll keep them in the car though.
I had such high hopes when she ate a bit three times yesterday and seemed more lucid at times. I was devastated to find an army of white coats in her room this morning when I arrived. At this point "holding up" for me means that I am able to occasionally get my legs under me and walk around without a storm of emotions.
The RN just plugged another unit of blood into the filling station. Are there this many tubes and lines for a NASA launch?
The Doppler ultrasound blood flow specialist was kind enough to pray with me and supply me with a new tissue box, I don't know her name so I'll just nicknamed her "Sonica".
Timna's parents came up but weren't able to stay in the room very long due to tests, meds and such. A close friend of Timna's came up and stayed on doctor watch while I went to eat.
It's pretty quiet now with an occaisional check by the ICU resident or his assistant. The staff here have all been professional yet very kind. Should I tip when I get the bill?

1 comment:

  1. Lee, just wanted to let you know that I have you guys in my thoughts and prayers, let me know if I can do anything! Be strong bro, and keep the Son in your eyes!!
