Sunday, November 29, 2009

Timna /P337 update 11/29/09 SUNDAY.

Timna Update Sunday 11/29/2009 Noon-ish Eastern
The nurse put it succinctly when I asked how Timna was doing this morning, "Not so good."
Timna's fever started coming back yesterday evening but was only in the 101f range. Last night it came back hard with the added complication of her blood pressure dropping as low as 64/39. They've medicated her for her blood pressure and brought it back up. Now 118/60.
She's been given Tylenol for her fever and Dr. Gordon (Infectious care) has reviewed all her cultures and antibiotics. He has called for left leg wounds to be debride (surgical removal of foreign material and dead tissue from a wound in order to prevent infection and promote healing).
ICU dance: One step forward, two steps back, two steps forward, one step back. Kiss your partner, dosey doe, tear out your heart and give it a throw.
Our friend Brian asked some good questions that he suggested I answer for all.
•Is she still on dialysis? Yes - Every two to three days as she is able.
•Is she off the ventilator (entirely or partially)? No. She has been too weak with the lung infection for them to resume weaning.
•Receiving IV antibiotics? Yes, a whole battery of bacterial killing drugs.
•Have some of the infections cleared up? Yes, but other opportunistic bacteria have taken advantage of her weakened state.
•Still receiving sedation? No. Since the trach she has been sedation free except for surgery.

It's hard when every brainstorm results in a power failure.
- Lee Peterman

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