Monday, February 15, 2010

2010 Daytona 500 HOLEFEST

We were all glad to see the Daytona 500 come. And for the most part it was a fun time. We still had the old, "New Cars" with the bad boxy handling, the stupid wing, the useless snowplow splitter, (which will all change in March thank heavens), but we did have a bigger restrictor plate and relaxed rules on bump drafting.

Bump drafting didn't materialize as much as was anticipated, because with the extra horsepower from the restictor plate increase, the drivers were able to actually use side drafting and their own power to pass. Huh. Appears drivers were right all along. The restrictor plates made the racing MORE dangerous, not less.

Of course this Daytona will become known as The Race with the HOLE! Because of the pothole that kept opening up and hurting the big boxy, low-riding pieces of junk that the NEW CAR's are.

That being said, lets get on with the scoring for Crash League this race:

The ladies ruled this week!!

led with 125 pts. followed closely by

RealBamaGirl with 110 pts. and

Renee4Jr. with 95 pts

Shell236 with 90 pts

GennaGirl with 65 pts.

The highest score male was:

P337 with 65 pts

ME!!!! with 55 pts

CPBelser made his league debut with 45 pts, tied with

TwentyFour also at 45 pts.

Nik Burdett another newcomer managed 30 pts with incomplete pick list.

Allyson13, last years Grand Champion had 25 pts

NascarByCooter had 20 pts because all the usual crashers let him down this time.

SnowyWestie, another newcomer and friend of TheNascarKitty had 20 pts. With incomplete picks

All it all, it was a great race, a fun Crash league, and chat was a blast. Lee, Cooter, CPBelser & myself used up a lot of our good satire material during the long red-flags for "the HOLE" but we'll come up with more.

Thanks for playing, and as always, email or tweet with questions.

Doug Kimpel
@WisSmokeFan on Twitter

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