Sunday, November 15, 2009

Uplifting Update on P337 and Timna.

Lee and Timna still have a long way to go, but things seem to be moving in the right direction. Keep them in your thoughts and prayers. Thanks for caring. I know that Lee is using our support as a crutch to keep from collapsing. Let's keep being a source of strength for him.

Timna Update Sunday 11/15/2009 10:45-ish pm Eastern
Timna has been carrying on a yes/no conversation with me! She had me turn the music down. Told me that her arm was hurting. She tried to squeeze my finger but could only move a finger a little bit. She grimaced and I asked her if that hurt to squeeze and she said yes.
Unfortunately she is bleeding into her stomach and needs endoscopy to assess and maybe take care of the problem... More sedative. They will do this shortly after 11:00.
They will try to get neurology up to make a quick neurological study before they sedate her again.
She's gagging a little now and then. What a trooper. If I had five or six tubes down my throat I'd be gagging constantly.
I asked for the nurse to look it up and found out that Timna did test flu negative on the 31st of October. So it was a sepsis fever and only coincidence that I got sick at the same time. If we had known...
Please continue in prayer for my sweet girl.

Timna Update Sunday 11/15/2009 noon-ish Eastern
Timna is done with the procedure. They found two ulcers. One was bleeding. They injected, cauterized and clipped. She will continue to be followed by the gastro team to make sure she heals properly and new ulcers don't form. The ulcers are new, due to the stress and the medications, etc. the Motrin and Heprin certainly didn't help but again, it's a balancing act. She's sleeping off the sedative.
Thank you all again.

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