Monday, November 16, 2009

P337 and Timna update. Monday Evening 11/16/09

Timna Update Monday 11/16/2009 2:45-ish pm Eastern
Timna is bleeding again.
She is receiving more units of whole blood. They have decided to proceed with the dialysis with some adjustments to compensate for the blood loss. The general surgeon will be up as soon as he is out of surgery.
The decision to go to a surgical solution rather than or after doing another endoscopic procedure is yet to be made.
The liver may be causing the stomach bleeding.
Please pray, please pray, please pray! This is so hard.

Timna Update Monday 11/16/2009 4:30-ish pm EasternT

Timna has urgent surgery scheduled for 8:00 this evening. They'll do the trach while they have her in surgery for the bleeding.

Timna Update Monday 11/16/2009 10:00-ish pm Eastern
Timna had such a successful surgery she didn't need it.
The surgeon did do the trach but before he cut he checked the stomach suction tube and saw that the blood coming out was not fresh red. Instead it was brown coagulate in fluid.
He called in the endoscopy team. When they got there they found that the bleeder had clotted. The surgeon was satisfied that it would hold as long as the pressure was not allowed to rise (portal hypertension for those who want to know) which can be controlled in ICU.
Praise God.
And thank you all once again.

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