Timna Update Friday 11/13/2009 10:45ish am Eastern
I didn't send an update out yesterday because I was using my laptop to play music for Timna and her condition was relatively unchanged. She did get another dialysis treatment in the evening. When I got home it was just too late.
Please pray for Timna even more this morning. When I came in she was covered with a chilled water blanket and appeared paler than yesterday. She had an 'event' during the night with temperature spike as high as 40.4c and tachycardia. They scheduled an ultrasound because they say her liver numbers were a bit off and her eyes appeared slightly jaundiced. They mentioned a possibility of meningitis. The ultrasound is taking place as I type.
Please pray.
Timna Update Friday 11/13/2009 5:15ish pm Eastern Timna's temperature has been reduced by a fever reducer and the cooling blanket to a balmy 38.2c, 100.76f, as they prepare her and all of the accompanying monitors and IV machines to go down for a CAT scan. This time they will use contrasting dye to reveal details of her organs and blood vessels. The ultra sound revealed fluid around the gall bladder and liver, a slight amount of thickened fluid inside her gall bladder but no narrowing nor obstructions of the ducts for her gall bladder, pancreas or liver. While down for the CAT scan they will again scan her head to monitor any changes from the previous scan. If safe enough they will again scan her legs but with dye this time. Timna will be getting dialysis tonight or tomorrow to remove the dye from her system. A neurology expert has been asked to look at her because it has been more than 36 hours since she has had any sedative and she is not responding except in reflex manners. There has been a change in her antibiotics and no further studies are scheduled of her spinal fluid because the antibiotics she is now on will target any infection there. There is no sign of viral meningitis. I'll try to update more later. Thank you all, family, friends, NASCAR fans and others, for praying so fervently. It's hard when every brainstorm results in a power failure. - Lee Peterman |
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