Friday, November 6, 2009

@P337 and Timna Update Friday 11/06/09

Timna Update Friday 11/06/2009 10:30ish am Eastern
Currently there is not much new to report. There is concern about localized infection in Timna's left leg. The infectious care doctor and the surgeon he called in are looking in to the matter.
It turns out that Timna's current infection is not MRSA but an antibiotic responsive staph bacterium. The MRSA information given to me was precautionary due to her history of MRSA. This was very poorly explained by the aid giving me the information. There is still the possibility of a MRSA recurrence but the cultures are all negative at this point.
Timna has not received sedatives for 24 hours now but she is still unresponsive to voice and pain. This is to be expected for now due to sedative buildup and the current blood chemistry. The intensive care physicians periodically check her ability to maintain regular unassisted breathing. She's still not there yet.
Blood sugar is being controlled.
Temperature is up indicating current infectious activity.
Please continue in prayer.
Thank you all!

Timna Update Friday 11/06/2009 2:30ish pm Eastern
I just got some good news! THey feel TImna is strong enough to be wheeled down for a CAT scan of her legs to check for pockets of infection.
While she is down there they will scan her head to check for anything outside of normalcy. (Good thing they aren't checking my head.)

It's hard when every brainstorm results in a power failure.
- Lee Peterman

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