Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Timna's Birthday Update Wednesday 12/2/2009 10:45-ish am Eastern

Timna's Birthday Update Wednesday 12/2/2009 10:45-ish am Eastern
Timna's Birthday...
Some tweets I tweeted on Twitter this morning:
Timna News Bullet: Radiology pulled Timna's PICC line out when she was down for a CAT scan.
Timna News Bullet: Why was Timna down for a CAT scan? Because they found the food was not entering her small bowel like it was supposed to.
Timna News Bullet: There was pressure on Timna's lungs, heart, organs and glands from fluid buildup in her abdomen.
Timna News Bullet: So far they have suctioned over 7 liters of liquid food out of Timna's abdomen. That's like two gallons! Vanilla flavored.
Timna News Bullet: For her birthday the hospital is giving Timna a new PICC line. They are currently using her dialysis port to infuse her.
I sang for her this morning. She will have to wait to celebrate I pray to enjoy her birthday late.

I'm angry, sad, glad, mad, sad, mad, sad this morning. I'm glad they found out why there was so much pressure on Timna's lungs, etc. Gold star for the night nursing staff. I'm mad at the rest. Overall angry sad at having to spend Timna's birthday, or any day, watching her suffer in the hospital.
A knife to the gut is not made better with Nitrous Oxide. Only painfully funny.
That about sums up my feelings this morning.
The volunteer in the waiting room asked me if I wanted to see the chaplain this morning. I answered, "Only if he's also a lawyer."
I didn't mean to take it out on her and a lawyer won't help Timna.
I put these feelings in these updates because it helps me cope.
I hope my frail words might help someone else.
Thank you all for praying so much.

Timna's Birthday Update Wednesday 12/2/2009 1:45-ish pm Eastern
Cerebral edema is something I was concerned about a couple of weeks ago when Timna was not reviving. I hadn't thought about it since... until today when the ICU doctor informed me that the CAT scan did show evidence of fluid pressure buildup.
Most likely either Cytotoxic, Osmotic or both.
Timna is receiving mannitol .
"Happy Birthday, honey."

It's hard when every brainstorm results in a power failure.
- Lee Peterman

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