Monday, December 14, 2009

Timnas Final Arrangements, Memorium Info.

I am forwarding the information compiled by my brother Bill. He has been extraordinarily helpful in finalizing the plans.
Timna was always helping children and making them happy. Below is the information for a ministry to Haiti where the children are very much in need. A school is being built in the village where Masters Hands have installed a well and a water storage system. Timna would be honored if donations were made in her name. Some of the funds will be used to make sure Phara, our adopted daughter in Christville Haiti gets a good education.

- Lee Peterman

His purposes will ripen fast,
unfolding every hour;
The bud may have a bitter taste,
but sweet will be the flower.
_____- William Cowper______

From: Bill Peterman
Subject: Timna's Funeral plans update
Date: Monday, December 14, 2009, 9:51 PM

Here are the final arrangements.
Timna will be at the R.G. & G.R. Harris Funeral Home, 15451 Farmington Road Livonia, MI 48154-2870 (734) 422-6720

Visitation Tuesday Dec. 15, 4:00pm-9:00pm (3:00pm for immediate family)

Visitation Wednesday Dec. 16, 9:00am-12:00nn,

Memorial service, Wednesday 12:00nn-12:30pm,

Graveside prayer service at Mt. Hope Cemetery 1:00pm,

Luncheon at Trinity Church 2:00pm

Details available at along with obituary and comments section.

Donations in Timna's memory to

Masters Hands Ministries P.O.Box 510103 Livonia 48150

And a note from Lee's father, Alan Peterman

II apologize to those for whom this information is not needed, but several have asked me for the funeral details, and I now have them. The much prayer for Timna, as well as for the family, is greatly appreciated ! It has been a source of strength.
As a footnote, all my children will be in town for 2 or 3 days, including a granddaughter from Hawaii !!

Donations in Timna's memory should be sent to:
Master's Hands Ministries P.O.Box 510103 Livonia 48150

Timna will be at the R.G. & G.R. Harris Funeral Home,
15451 Farmington Road Livonia, MI 48154-2870
(734) 422-6720
Visitation Tuesday Dec. 15, 4:00pm-9:00pm (3:00pm for immediate family)
Visitation Wednesday Dec. 16, 9:00am-12:00nn,
Memorial service, Wednesday 12:00nn-12:30pm,
Graveside prayer service at Mt. Hope Cemetery 1:00pm,
Luncheon at Trinity Church 2:00pm

Details available at, along with
an obituary and "comments" section.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Timna Funeral Info.

My brother Bill has been helping with arrangements. He sends:
Timna will be at the Harris Funeral Home in Livonia, Michigan (Farmington north of Five)
Tuesday Dec. 15 and Wednesday Dec. 16 morning,
followed by a mid-day memorial service,
in turn followed by a luncheon at Trinity Church (Six west of Farmington next to H.S.),
in turn followed by a family graveside prayer service at Mt. Hope Cemetery (Middlebelt north of Six).
No procession.
Exact times TBD.
Love to all,

It's still hard but with joy.
- Lee Peterman

A personal Note from Lee (P337) 12/13/09

There are so many of you who have written me that I cannot possibly reply to each message without suffering from dehydration. I do want you all to know that I read and am blessed by each and every message.
Timna's passing was quiet and peaceful yesterday afternoon. Though she was no longer present, the Lord allowed me to hold her in my arms and kiss her as she went to sleep. My brother and a very understanding friend were with us. I had Timna's favorite style of Christian music playing as I had, as much as I could, all during her hospital stay. My tears are no longer completely of grief as I read messages from you of the joy she brought to others.
One family friend wrote about Timna's habit, through out the years, of taking my mother Margaret shopping when my mother was able to go. They would go antiquing and collectible hunting as well as gift buying. Timna and mom both always wanted to make sure people received a gift they would enjoy on special occasions. (Dear Lord, if there are stores in Heaven, don't extend credit.)
We will be celebrating Timna's joy at the Harris Funeral Home in Livonia. A time is not yet set but will most likely be on Wednesday. Timna always liked planning events and producing shows. She worked around a theme and made sure everything was just right for other's enjoyment. I know the theme she would use for this event: JOY!
There will be sorrow but when your tears flow but make sure they are mingled with the joy that was, and is, Timna.

Blessings on you all.
It's still hard.
- Lee Peterman

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Goodbye Dear Timna 12/12/09

Lee Peterman

Timna crossed over to be with her Lord about 3:30 (Eastern) this afternoon. Thank you all for praying for her and myself. Love all around!

Goodbye Timna. From Lee.

From: Lee Peterman

Subj: Goodbye Timna

Waves of sorrow from the ocean of grief,Crash on the shore as the storm surges 'round.

When the tide recedes, to my relief,There's a peaceful absence of sound.

Awake my soul to the peace,Never abandoned by God.

Fetters of man release,Never abandoned by God.

Goodbye Timna.

It's hard.

-Lee Peterman

A video from Lee's sister for Lee & Timna

From: Lee Peterman

Subj: Sent from my sister

It's hard when every brainstorm results in a power failure

.- Lee Peterman

Friday, December 11, 2009

Timna Update 12/11/09 from P337

Subj: Fw: Timna Update Friday 12/11/2009 11:30-ish am Easter

His purposes will ripen fast, unfolding every hour; The bud may have a bitter taste, but sweet will be the flower.
-William Cowper

Timna Update Friday 12/11/2009 11:30-ish am Eastern  

  There are times we don't like the answers we receive to prayers healing requests.

This is the hardest for me. Timna will soon succumb to the pressure building up inside her head.

I know she is in no pain but the brain damage has already been done and the pressure continues to build.

It hurts so hard to type this. I haven't been able to talk much today.

  Still... God is filtering my sorrow with peace.

  Feverish, riddled with peritonitis, infections rebounding and increasing cerebral edema Timna has become a medical impossibility.

They were not able to save her.

God has blessed me with an answer: "I love you. This will work for good for you. Timna is safe."  

Timna is safe.

Timna I love you.  

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Timna Update Thur. 12/10/09

Timna Update Thursday 12/10/2009 11:00-ish am Eastern

  Timna's blood pressure is still holding steady without medicinal support.   She will receive dialysis today with an additional unit of blood to keep her hemoglobin up.

Dialysis damages some hemoglobin and Timna is getting a lot of blood draws for tests.  

Physical therapy has already been in to do some movement therapy.

  Respiratory will resume her weaning off of the respirator.  

It's hard to believe that only two days ago they said that Timna would be going in just a few hours. There doesn't seem to be a medical explanation for her blood pressure rebound.

Well, Timna always does like to surprise people.  

Right now, Timna wants to get well.  

It's hard when every brainstorm results in a power failure.

- Lee Peterman

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Timna Update Wednesday 12/9/2009 9:45-ish am Eastern

Timna Update Wednesday 12/9/2009 9:45-ish am Eastern
Timna is resting comfortably according to her nurse. I saw there was respiration increase and eye movement when I spoke to her but neurology has repeatedly discounted this as being an auto response.
Late yesterday afternoon Timna's blood pressure rose rapidly. The nurse turned off the (I think she said) Clevidipine drip and Timna's BP stabilized in a normal range. It is still off. BP still holding.
Timna may not get any dialysis today because her urine output, while lower than normal, is stable and her Creatinine numbers are still low, which is good.
Her breathing test this morning was not good. 80 breaths per minute and shallow... 'panic breathing'.
I don't know what to think today. I'm feeling loss but not as severe as yesterday. This morning I saw the sunrise gleaming off of the tops of the clouds scuttling across the sky and wished Timna was there with me to see it. "But she isn't awake yet," was my thought. She rarely wakes up before 8 since she's a late nighter.
Please pray for Iran, the mother of Parvin, Farenek and Fariba. These three wonderful ladies have been waiting with me. We have been praying for and comforting each other. They are starting to wean Iran off of the respirator.

It's hard when every brainstorm results in a power failure.
- Lee Peterman

His purposes will ripen fast,
unfolding every hour;
The bud may have a bitter taste,
but sweet will be the flower.
_____- William Cowper______

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Timna update 12/08/09 part 2

From: Lee Peterman
Subj: Timna Update Tuesday 12/8/2009 3:00-ish pm

Timna Update Tuesday 12/8/2009 3:00-ish pm Eastern
Thank you, Dad. I couldn't write earlier.

  Lest anyone is worried about me, I just had to go out in the woods for a while and cry and pray.

  Timna is fighting but the vasso presser (sp?) is not working very well to maintain her blood pressure.   Please pray for all of her family and friends.  

  It's hard when every brainstorm results in a power failure. - Lee Peterman

Timna Update 12/08/09 afternoon part 1

Subj: Status Report, Lee & Timna Peterman

Hello everyone,  This is from Lee's dad.  He asked me to send an interim report for him.  Timna is somewhat worse this morning.  The fluid pressure in her brain has increased.   The most recent evaluation of this possibility was described by her neurologist as potentially fatal.     On the basis of this, Lee said his "Goodbyes" to his beloved wife and gave her his "permission" to go to be "with Christ, which is far better" (Phil. 1:23).    

  Though grief-stricken, I believe Lee's strong faith in our Lord Jesus will carry him through this bitter experience.  

The support that so many of you have been, especially in praying for them, has made a significant impact on his life.

 Between us, we will continue these reports as long as there is something to report.

Timna Update from P337 Tues. 12/08/09

Timna Update Tuesday 12/8/2009 12:30-ish pm Eastern  

When floating on a raft of joy in an ocean of grief you have accept the waves.  

Timna's swelling is worse.

    It's hard when every brainstorm results in a power failure. - Lee Peterman ________________________

His purposes will ripen fast, unfolding every hour; The bud may have a bitter taste, but sweet will be the flower. _____- William Cowper____

Monday, December 7, 2009

Timna update from P337 Monday night 12/07/09

Timna Update Monday 12/7/2009 5:45-ish pm Eastern
Timna is finishing up her dialysis now. They decided to give her dialysis today not to reduce her creatinine level which has been holding good, but to remove some more fluid and adjust some of her electrolyte balances; both to help reduce the cerebral edema.

A couple of friends from church are in seeing her now and praying with her. It's a little crowded in there with the dialysis equipment, the dialysis nurse, our friends and all the angels.

      It's hard when every brainstorm results in a power failure. - Lee Peterman ________________________
His purposes will ripen fast, unfolding every hour; The bud may have a bitter taste, but sweet will be the flower. _____- William Cowper______

Timna Update Monday 12/7/2009 1:00-ish pm Eastern

Timna Update Monday 12/7/2009 1:00-ish pm Eastern
Last night I had been compelled to return to the Hospital after I had already said goodnight and started for home. When I arrived back in her room, Timna was sleeping deeply again as the nurses talked around her and in the neighboring room as it was being cleaned. When I spoke to Timna she again opened her eyes and blinked a few times with an increase in respiration.
I prayed with her.
While I was praying a thought came into my head: "prolonged hypothermic therapy".
I looked that up this morning and found out that there is a lot of study going on in that area. I gave the information I had to the doctors. I don't know what will come of it but I felt the need to let them know what I had found out.
Today Timna has better renal function. Dialysis had been canceled for yesterday and is not yet scheduled for today. The nurse checked her Creatinine levels and found that they have been holding in a stable pattern for the last three days.
I have been holding back from being presumptuous in knowing what the outcome will be but I still have a raft of peace floating on my ocean of grief.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Timna Update Sunday Afternoon 12/06/09

Timna Update Sunday 12/6/2009 5:30-ish pm Eastern
Timna's ICU ward 'neighbor', Ken, crossed over late this afternoon. Please pray for Joanie (sp?) his wife and her family. As they left we exchanged numbers & email addresses to stay in touch. There is so much love in the family. I am honored to have shared this difficult time with them.

Timna Update Sunday 12/6/2009 Noon-ish Eastern

Timna Update Sunday 12/6/2009 Noon-ish Eastern
I've spent a lot of time in Timna's room this morning. There is such a sense of peace there. More than peace: Joy!
Timna roused twice from deep sleep when she heard my voice. Even though the nurse and PCA had been talking already in her room, when I spoke her respiration rate increased and she opened her eyes blinking frequently.
Timna did have a 38.8c 101.8c fever this morning which Tylenol is bringing down. They decided to skip dialysis today. I don't know why.
The family of the patient in the next room (Ken) is gathering en-mass for the 'unhooking'. They brought plenty of tissue but are generally cheerful. Even Ken's wife whom I spoke with at length this morning, is satisfied with the decision and praying for a quick resolution. I will watch their coats for them as requested.
Timna would be making sacrifices to help the family. Someone mentioned to me that she is helping them. After being with the family so much for the last three weeks and basking in their concern for me, I believe that.
"God works in mysterious ways His wonders to perform." - My dad... A lot. But actually the saying is gleaned from a poem by the English Poet William Cowper:
God moves in a mysterious way
his wonders to perform;
He plants his footsteps in the sea,
and rides upon the storm.

Deep in unfathomable mines
of never failing skill,
He treasures up his bright designs
and works his sovereign will.

You fearful saints, fresh courage take;
the clouds you so much dread
Are big with mercy and shall break
in blessings on your head.

His purposes will ripen fast,
unfolding every hour;
The bud may have a bitter taste,
but sweet will be the flower.

Blind unbelief is sure to err
and scan his work in vain:
God is his own interpreter,
and he will make it plain.

I happen to like that poem. I will continue to hold on to the FACT that 'Sweet will be the flower'.
Sweet will be the flower.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Saturday Night, 12/05/09 Lee's Prayer for Timna

From my sister in law: I am learning something in my middle age, that God hears our prayers of dispair,of anger, of imperfect faith. We are all His children, not His rational adults.

Despite God knowing that in my heart, I have doubts, I will continue to pray...

Heavenly Father, what a beautiful, fun soul you created in Timna. Her body is so broken now. Pls gently pick her up, cradle her in your arms, touch her and heal her and set her back here with her family and friends.

I know I shouldn't tell you what to do, dear God, but PLEASE heal her and don't take her from us yet. AMEN.

Me again *sniff* just asking for continued prayer for a miracle.

Saturday Morning 12/05/09 Timna/P227 Update

Timna Update Saturday 12/5/2009 9:30-ish am Eastern
Timna's condition is basically unchanged except her fever is gone. She is getting dialysis right now. I haven't spoken with anyone but the nurse so far.
I am very scattered.
I find my mind tracing each future possibility and doing advance grieving or praising as the future possibilities warrant. I can't help it. It must be an offshoot of my problem solving nature. Today it hinders my functioning in reality. I left my cell phone at home and my brother is retrieving it for me. There is a nagging feeling that I forgot something else important. Someone will probably say this is a natural part of the grieving process but I don't want to be here. Dear Lord, I don't want to be in this state of mind. Your presence has sustained me. Restore your peace to me. Your strength.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Timna Updates Friday 12/04/09 from P337

Timna's Update Friday 12/4/2009 9:00-ish am Eastern
Timna is in a battle. She did not get the surgery yesterday due to increased swelling of her brain (cerebral edema). Her CAT scan did not show any of the lobe definition that was present in her previous scans. The doctor's reported to her parents and me that there was a good chance she would not make it. She will be rescanned today.
I was devastated.
I asked the doctors to think if there was anything else that could be done to (a.) reverse the edema progression and (b.) control the peritonitis until she was strong enough for surgery.
Dr. Semechek (sp?) said he was doing everything he knew to reduce the swelling and would consult with Dr. Margolis to see if any dialysis changes would help more than what was being done now. Dr. Gordon said he was hitting Timna with broad range antibiotics as well as targeted antibiotics for known pathogens.

I did what I could to let everyone that prayer was needed. I'm sorry I was unable to go into detail last night. (Which was Thursday, by the way, just in case you were confused by my lack of calendar acuity.)
This morning, three times Timna roused only slightly when I held her hand and spoke to her. Just enough for me to see her breathing rate increase, her eyes move under her eyelids and for her mouth to close. She quickly went back to a deeper sleep each time.
I restarted the music for her to listen to.
My cousin e-mailed me and encouraged me this morning by her words of encouragement and by inadvertently making me think on a saying by George Eliot.
"What do we live for, if it is not to make life less difficult for each other" -- George Eliot
I disagree with George Eliot.
I would rephrase him by saying:
"What do we live for, if it is not to love God and to love one another as God loves us."
Due to this experience I have a fresh view of love from God and from so many who have supported me.
Please pray with me not only for Timna but for Ken who is in a similar status here and for an elderly woman named Iran. The families of Ken and Iran have been together with me in encouraging one another and praying for our loved ones.
Again: God can do what no doctor ever can.

Timna Update Friday 12/4/2009 3:45-ish pm Eastern
Timna went down to have another CAT scan this morning and they told me the swelling of the brain was no better or worse than it was yesterday.
She is now getting dialysis.
The doctors met with me and her parents. After an introduction of a few consultants we had not met a letter from a person of concern was mentioned. I guess that is why the Administrative director of Patient Services was involved. (I know who sent the letter but he or she may not want to be known.) Well after an almost defensive summary the neurologist said there is no hope of Timna being the same person if she survives at all. She may not have meant to sound like a 'pull the plug and move on' doomsayer but that was the sense I got.
I was already devastated yesterday so today I handled myself a little more stoically. Just a little.
Basically all the medical team there agreed with her diagnosis, but not with the same callousness. So there doesn't seem to be a medical solution for Timna. They will do all they can to prevent cerebral hemorrhage and to get the swelling to go down if possible but the general consensus was that the Timna I know and love would not be there.
The doctors will not give up but they feel they are fighting a losing battle.
My faith extends beyond medicine.
Way beyond!

It's hard when every brainstorm results in a power failure.
- Lee Peterman

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Timna Update Thursday 12/3/09

Timna's Update Thursday 12/3/2009 8:15-ish am Eastern
Many of you have written yesterday and last night. I'm sorry I haven't replied individually. Please accept this corporate reply of thanksgiving. You encourage me and give me wisdom in this trying time. Wisdom I wish... I wish I had never needed. Thank you.
Timna's temperature has come down enough overnight that they have removed the cooling blanket but the machine still sits there in readiness. Her temp at last taking was 38.4c 101.1f.
Her blood pressure, while up in an acceptable range, is being supported by medication. She is breathing evenly without fighting against the respirator like she was yesterday. I pray that that is not because she just wore herself out fighting it.
The ICU staff are trying to schedule things so that she won't have to make separate trips out of her room for the CAT scan and surgery but instead have the CAT scan read with surgery on immediate standby. I don't have any times yet. Another dialysis is also ordered for today which may be performed prior to the above since dialysis would be beneficial in reducing the fluid buildups and the fever.
I hope I find out before things happen this time. I suppose that if they were great communicators they would be in politics or journalism instead of medicine.
I will try to update all the prayer forces as soon as I find things out.

Timna's Update Thursday 12/3/2009 10:45-ish am Eastern
I've been given the schedule after 3 1/2 hours of waiting. The CAT scan I was led to believe would be early morning is scheduled for 5pm. This will coincide with surgery availability. Timna will get dialysis some time prior to that.
The cooling blanket has been restarted. Her temperature rose.
The temperature of the body is regulated by neural feedback mechanisms which operate primarily through the hypothalmus. The hypothalmus contains not only the control mechanisms, but also the key temperature sensors. -
If Timna has edemal pressure on the hypothalamus it is essentially short circuiting the temperature controls.
Today's nurse is tight lipped so obtaining any information requires excessive effort.
I will try to nap a bit today as we wait.

From Twitter today:
Going to gown and glove. (Maybe sneak a kiss when the nurse isn't looking.)

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Wednesday Timna Update Part Two

Timna's Birthday Update Wednesday 12/2/2009 10:15-ish pm Eastern
Just a quick few notes before I go to bed.
Timna's CAT scan with dye injected into her feeding tube did indeed show that the food was going into the periton and not into her digestive system. Two and a half gallons of food wasted... Think of all the starving children in...
Now think of this, if you constantly adjust the insulin drip based on there being a constant food supply you'll have trouble controlling the blood sugar with the blood sugar going too low shutting off the drip and restarting the drip when the sugar bounces back up. I don't know for sure if this was a contributing factor to Timna's cerebral edema, maybe one of you could tell me.
I felt like shouting, "Lots'a food -- No stool -- C'mon Doctors put two and two together!
Dr. Ang wanted to do the surgery tonight to completely clean out Timna's periton with saline. I asked him to caution the anesthesiologist about Timna's cerebral edema... Dr. Ang made a few calls and told me that surgery would have to wait until tomorrow after another CAT scan of her head to see if the edema was lessening.
I think that if it is not lessening surgical pressure relief will be a more pressing matter. To neurology was one of the calls Dr. Ang made.
Sorry about the spelling and grammer, I'm too tired to correct it. Please continue praying.

Timna's Birthday Update Wednesday 12/2/2009 10:45-ish am Eastern

Timna's Birthday Update Wednesday 12/2/2009 10:45-ish am Eastern
Timna's Birthday...
Some tweets I tweeted on Twitter this morning:
Timna News Bullet: Radiology pulled Timna's PICC line out when she was down for a CAT scan.
Timna News Bullet: Why was Timna down for a CAT scan? Because they found the food was not entering her small bowel like it was supposed to.
Timna News Bullet: There was pressure on Timna's lungs, heart, organs and glands from fluid buildup in her abdomen.
Timna News Bullet: So far they have suctioned over 7 liters of liquid food out of Timna's abdomen. That's like two gallons! Vanilla flavored.
Timna News Bullet: For her birthday the hospital is giving Timna a new PICC line. They are currently using her dialysis port to infuse her.
I sang for her this morning. She will have to wait to celebrate I pray to enjoy her birthday late.

I'm angry, sad, glad, mad, sad, mad, sad this morning. I'm glad they found out why there was so much pressure on Timna's lungs, etc. Gold star for the night nursing staff. I'm mad at the rest. Overall angry sad at having to spend Timna's birthday, or any day, watching her suffer in the hospital.
A knife to the gut is not made better with Nitrous Oxide. Only painfully funny.
That about sums up my feelings this morning.
The volunteer in the waiting room asked me if I wanted to see the chaplain this morning. I answered, "Only if he's also a lawyer."
I didn't mean to take it out on her and a lawyer won't help Timna.
I put these feelings in these updates because it helps me cope.
I hope my frail words might help someone else.
Thank you all for praying so much.

Timna's Birthday Update Wednesday 12/2/2009 1:45-ish pm Eastern
Cerebral edema is something I was concerned about a couple of weeks ago when Timna was not reviving. I hadn't thought about it since... until today when the ICU doctor informed me that the CAT scan did show evidence of fluid pressure buildup.
Most likely either Cytotoxic, Osmotic or both.
Timna is receiving mannitol .
"Happy Birthday, honey."

It's hard when every brainstorm results in a power failure.
- Lee Peterman

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Timna Update Tuesday 12/01/09

Timna Update Tuesday 12/1/2009 10:45-ish am Eastern
Timna is still non-responsive.
Her temperature has dropped to 38.8c 101.84f. It had gone up above 40.6c 105.1f before dialysis yesterday. Her fever was reduced by the return blood temperature of the dialysis machine but climbed back above 39.5c 103.1f afterward.
Her blood has gone acidic again.
In addition to the current aerosol and intravenous antibiotic treatments Timna has been put back on intravenous vancomycin.
She is getting another aerosol treatment now.
Please pray that the doctor's are able to unravel this mystery.

It's hard when every brainstorm results in a power failure.
- Lee Peterman

some of today's Twitter Tweets:
Tomorrow, it being her birthday, I would like to give Timna something special.
  1. But I can only think how special it would be for me should Timna open her eyes.

@P337 @becbeat555 OK, you're portion of the bill will be 'One Extra Big Hug for Lee'
Tomorrow is Timna's Birthday. Let's pray as hard as we can to make it a great day for Lee and Timna!

Thanks for all your prayers and suppport.